Submit Your Video To The Soo Bahk Do Institute

While you can upload your video to YouTube or Facebook or any number of other websites, only when you upload it to the Soo Bahk Do® Institute does it become part of the official Moo Duk Kwan® martial art school global repository for the body of knowledge that is the Soo Bahk Do® martial art system.
Many mobile phones have high quality camcorders built in and capturing a great video takes only a little planning and few minutes of time.
The video uploading process is similar to YouTube, except that the Institute provides a managed environment without any advertisements and other distractions and it provides a central, organized repository for the “Body of Knowledge” that is the Moo Duk Kwan® Soo Bahk Do® martial art system and you are invited to make your contribution.
Video your favorite training drill or performance enhancing technique and submit it to the Institute.
If you are a certified Instructor, then you might prepare an instructional video about a specific technique and submit it. The Technical Advisory Committee might even endorse your instructional video and publish it globally. Check out this excellent instructional video submitted to the Soo Bahk Do® Institute by Sa Bom Nim Carl Vonck.
The Soo Bahk Do Institute can feature private videos for only your friends, private training videos intended only for your students and public videos approved by the Institute for all subscribers or the general public.
Registered affiliates of the Soo Bahk Do® Institute can earn commissions from paid subscribers referred to the Institute, so an affiliate adding content that is of interest to their target subscriber audience increases the opportunity to convert referrals to subscribers seeking access to the content being published.
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