Foundation Now Accepting Restricted Donations

The Foundation Board has developed and approved a fundraising and grant awarding process which provides a means for Studio Owners to raise restricted use funds through the Foundation.
Upon your enrollment and the Foundation's approval of your application, then you can begin conducting fundraising activities for specific causes and purposes that are important to you and which are compliant with Foundation's chartered purposes and guidelines.
- Your donors benefit by receiving a tax deduction for their donation to the Foundation.
- You benefit because your fundraising proceeds are accepted by the Foundation as restricted use funds which means they will be allocated via grants for the purposes and causes for which they were raised by you.
- Foundation grants may be awarded for, but not limited to:
- Federation membership dues for qualified applicants
- Tuition for students with financial need at certified studios
- Participation fees for qualified applicants to attend Federation events
- support for at risk youth programs
- support for special needs programs
- support for other Foundation approved causes including Federation supportive activities, community services or charitable causes that support the public awareness of, understanding or and practice of the Soo Bahk Do® martial art system
- Foundation grants may be awarded for, but not limited to:
- The Foundation operates very efficiently with volunteer Board Directors and support from other sources so that only 10% of donations is required for overhead and 90% of all donations go directly to the purpose or cause.
The Foundation board invites you to enroll now and seize this exciting opportunity.
You can enroll quickly and easily by sending an email to
You will receive an email with a link to an electronic version of the document that you can review and sign online.
The Foundation Chairman, Frank Tsai Sa Bom Nim, has arranged complimentary use of the DocuSign online document signing service to help keep costs low and make this a paperless process.
However, if you do not have email or you prefer to sign a paper document rather than using the DocuSign online service, please advise the Foundation Board in your email and they will seek to accommodate you.
Any questions or clarifications about this exciting new program can also be directed to