Foundation Auction Now Underway

The United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation® has entered into an agreement with the United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan FOUNDATION to manage and the Silent Auction for the Federation in concert with the National Festival.
The FOUNDATION sets a contribution value acquisition goal for each Silent Auction and a target bidding goal.
The greater the value of donated or consigned items that are made available during the Silent Auction, the greater the opportunity to meet the fundraising bidding goals.
In exchange for management of the Silent Auction and for providing an additional giving channel for Silent Auction fees, the Federation agrees that the Foundation may retain a percentage of the donations based on the following schedule. The retainage percentage is tied to the goal established.
- Less than or equal to goal = 10% retainage
- Greater than and up to two times the goal = 15% retainage.
- In excess of two times the goal = 20% retainage.
Moo Duk Kwan® supporters are invited to donate items to the Silent Auction and receive a tax deduction from the FOUNDATION for the value of the donated items.
Please contact the FOUNDATION Board at to contribute auction items.
Bidders at the Silent Auction may also receive a tax deduction for the amount of bid donation to the FOUNDATION.
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