COVID Policies Update
For 2021-2020 KDJSS & Moment With The Masters

Greetings Federation Members and Supporters,
We hope this finds you and your families in good health and spirits.
The Board and the TAC continue to hold weekly meetings to discuss Covid safety measures regarding the upcoming 2021-2020 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa and Moment with the Masters.
Current policies include:
Attendees shall adhere to CDC, state, local, and hotel safety regulations regarding Covid while travelling to the event and while on site.
Attendees shall be subject to daily temperature checks (<100.3) at the entrance of congregate areas to help identify potentially symptomatic attendees and thus minimize risk of spreading Covid should a participant become symptomatic during the course of the event.

Covid policies may evolve as we monitor changes and continue discussing concerns raised by officials and members.
For example, topics of continuing discussion by Board and TAC include, but are not limited to:
Prevalence of COVID in venue vicinity:
Masks: are not currently required by the hotel; however, attendees may be asked to wear a mask should conditions change during the event. Orange County states. “Wear a face cover when required by federal, state, local laws, rules, and regulations. Follow local business and workplace requirements.”
Vaccinations: are recommended by CDC and Orange County but are not required.
Symptoms: If you show signs of illness immediately before travel (coughing, chills, body or muscle aches, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of smell, Orange County recommends that you stay home and away from others. An elevated temperature at the event will exclude you from activities regardless.
Social distancing: modified seating arrangements for group meals will be made available. Private meals to be permitted for those who feel safer eating alone. Social distancing will be observed in line ups and during training where possible.
Partner drills: Attendees uncomfortable taking part in partner drills (Ho Sin Sul, Il Soo Sik, etc) can be accommodated by individual training or attendees may pair with masked or unmasked partners as preferred.
The goal of any adopted policy is to provide for the safety of members and visitors; however, we cannot guarantee anyone's safety in the current Covid environment.
Regardless of the policies we adopt, there are numerous factors that still could lead to injury or illness at this event and each attendee is responsible for assessing those risks and assuming personal responsibility for them. Attendees are welcome to take whatever additional precautions you feel best for your personal health and safety, even if that means not attending.
As the Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa and Moment with the Masters draws closer, both the Board and the TAC will continue to meet each week as well as provide weekly updates so that everyone who is interested can stay informed.
More detailed information will be made available to the attendees.
Dwayne Townsend, Board Chair
Craig Hays, TAC Chair
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