Coronavirus Update From Board and TAC Chairs

Greetings Federation Members and Supporters,
We hope that you and your families are well and in good spirits.
By now, most of you are aware of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and its current impact both globally and locally. As an organization, we are taking this outbreak seriously and are closely monitoring the impact it may have on regional, national and international events. Our primary concern is the health and wellbeing of our members and their families. Studio owners and instructors are urged to monitor local events and to stay vigilant in providing a safe environment for themselves, their students and families.
It is important to understand what coronavirus is and to have a plan or policy in place to prevent the spread of the disease.
For more information, please review the CDC's website dedicated to the disease and the outbreak.
What can we do as school owners, instructors and practitioners?
The best course of action is to stay informed, discuss facts and don't panic. Understand the symptoms of this disease and consult your doctor if you exhibit them. To reduce the risk of contracting or spreading this disease, as with any viral respiratory infection, provide a clean and safe environment:
- Follow CDC Advice for communities (groups)
- Download the CDC Mitigation Strategy PDF
- Wash hands regularly.
- Avoid shaking hands in the dojang. Bowing is sufficient until the spread of the disease slows or stops.
- Clean and disinfect equipment after each use.
- Avoid sharing sparring gear.
- Provide hand sanitizer for use before and after training, and at events.
- Consider foregoing partner drills in regions where the disease is prevalent.
If your studio doesn’t already have one, define a sickness policy and share it. The policy should include instructions to stay home if a student or a member of the student’s household is ill.
Studio owners are encouraged to:
- Have assistant instructors prepared to cover classes or cancel class if ill.
- Communicate your efforts to students and consider sharing with the community also.
- Consider reviewing studio insurance policies to determine coverage if loss of business due to the COVID-19 or other outbreak.
- Work with regional examiners to determine the best plan of action for local and regional events, taking in consideration local government and board of health recommendations.
Upcoming Regional Dan Tests, Tournaments, and TAC Tours
Regional Examiners will be working with studio owners to determine the appropriate actions to be taken to ensure the health of the members. Decisions will be made at the local level whether upcoming Dan Tests, Tournaments, and TAC Tours will be held on the planned dates. Regional leadership will factor in guidance from state and local government agencies to inform the decisions on how to conduct large gatherings. The safety of the members and their families are the highest priority for Federation Officials.
2020 National Festival
There are no plans at this time to alter the dates or location of the 2020 National Festival which is July 23-25, 2020, in Orlando, Florida. Your attendance is encouraged.
The Board of Directors and Technical Advisory Committee will continue to monitor COVID-19 to ensure the safety of attendees and their families and communicate any changes as quickly as possible. If the festival is rescheduled or canceled, notice will be given with enough time to allow for hotel and event rescheduling, credits, or refunds. Event credits can be kept on file and used for future events, membership dues, or items from headquarters. When booking flights or hotels, be aware of cancellation policies.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
We look forward to seeing you at the National Festival in July.

Dwayne Townsend
Board Chair

Craig Hays
Technical Advisory Committee Chair