By The Time You Read This…

Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang, Larry Seiberlich Sa Bom Nim, Dae Kyu Chang Sa Bom Nim and others will be headed to, or already in Scranton, PA for a Federal court trial on February 9th, 2015 to defend Founder Hwang Kee’s Moo Duk Kwan® legacy from those who seek to claim it as their own.
The generous support of members like you has made it possible for the Federation to mount this critical defense of the Founder’s legacy and our identity and your strong financial support is still needed to win this battle.
If you have already donated, THANK YOU!
If you have not yet donated, PLEASE DO.
In either case, at this crucial time we ask you to consider making a significant donation to the preservation of the Moo Duk Kwan® identity. Check off a box on your membership renewal form that includes an additional donation or make one by calling Headquarters, or mailing it in or donating securely online at or tell us the amount you want to donate in the instruction box at the bottom of the online membership renewal form at

For a limited time when you make a $3000 donation your name will be published in Founder Hwang Kee’s autobiography as one who gave generously when it mattered most. You can even make this generous contribution over time by entering your preferred monthly contribution amount and clicking the donate button below right now.
When you complete your total contribution before the book publishes, you will be included. (Publication date has yet to be determined, so you have time.)
When you make your first contribution, your name will be added to the list of:
We trust you understand what’s at stake and thank you in advance for your additional generous financial support. Should you have questions or require additional information, please reach out to your elected Board Director or call Headquarters.
SPECIAL CONTRIBUTION – Call it in or donate online or mail it. You can download the contribution form below.
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