Board of Directors Nominations 2014
Nominations Close October 25, 2014

Scroll down for the 2014 online nomination form
Nominations Now Open for Board of Directors
Dear Dan Member,
I hope you are in good health and spirits. “Board Director Nominations are now open for Regions 2, 3, 6, 9, and 10 of the United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation Inc.” You may submit your nomination online before October 25th, 2014 at:
Also enclosed is a nomination form you can use to nominate the person you feel will best serve our organization on the Board of Directors as your region’s representative. When contemplating potential director nominees, please include in your considerations individuals with skill sets and/or professional experience who can bring their expertise to the Board and thus enhance Board effectiveness. The nomination form is a self-mailer that you can complete, fold, and mail. You can also use the form to fax your nomination to Headquarters. Only nominations that have been postmarked by October 25th, 2014 or that have been received via online submission, fax or email by that date will be valid. The Board Director elected in 2014 will serve a three-year term from 1/1/2015 to 12/31/2017.
Article 1, Section 1 of the By-laws states that “any currently active voting member of the Federation over 18 years of age may be a member of the Board of Directors.” Article 3, Section 3 of the By-laws states that “individuals holding Dan rank shall enjoy all rights and privileges as determined by the Board, plus the right to vote in Federation matters if they are over the age of 18 years.”
As an active Federation Dan member, the opportunity to nominate and to vote for your region’s representative on the Board of Directors are two of the most important rights and privileges granted to you by the Charter and By-laws of the United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation, Inc.
Information is also included that will assist you in your selection process. Please read these enclosed materials and consider your nominee carefully. Be sure to communicate with your nominee to ensure that she or he is willing and able to serve before you make your nomination. After the stated deadline nominations will be tabulated, and the two people who receive the most nominations will be eligible for election and you will receive information about the two eligible nominees and a voting opportunity.
Exercising the right to vote is only one of many opportunities of a being a Dan, so don’t let your involvement end there. Your Federation and Board of Directors have a lot of work to do, and the Board consists of only 15 members. At any point, the Board is engaged in a number of activities and projects that support the purpose and mission of our organization. Administering these activities takes both human and financial resources. Even though you may not have the desire or time necessary to be a Board member, you can help in many other ways. Your contribution can be as simple as offering to make phone calls or as involved as spearheading a public relations or fundraising project. So, do your part by making a nomination and casting a vote during the election. When the election is complete, please consider contacting your Board representative and offering your help.
Thank you for your support.
In Moo Duk Kwan,
Roy McDonald
Secretary, Board of Directors
Service on the Board of Directors is a serious responsibility that requires the directors to dedicate a substantial amount of time to conducting Federation business. Directors must be willing and able to commit to donating at least four hours per week to Board related activities. If you are a potential nominee, be sure this time commitment will not cause you to neglect other responsibilities or obligations in your life. The Federation and the Board needs Directors who have the time to perform the duties expected of a Director without experiencing personal hardship. Directors must be enthusiastic and have a genuine interest in improving the service to Federation members and enhancing the future of our art.
Elected Directors must balance their duty as a fiduciary agent for the organization as a whole with their duty to represent the voices of their regional members. Effective Directors must have the capacity and the vision to look beyond individual interests in order to make decisions that will strengthen our Federation and ensure the long-term preservation of our art. As the leaders responsible for the Federation’s future, it is important that Board Directors to take the time to ask questions, conduct due diligence and consider all the facts surrounding each issue before voting.
Any member interested in accepting a nomination for the Board of Directors should read the enclosed information and complete the Board Director Nominee Questionnaire. The questionnaire may be faxed or mailed to HQ along with your nomination ballot. The details presented below represent only a portion of the pertinent information from the Charter and By-laws of the U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation, Inc. They are offered as an outline only. Nominees must familiarize themselves with the entire contents of our Charter and By-laws & all Board Governance Policies available from Federation Headquarters and on the wiki at
Charter Article I, Section 2 The Purposes of the Federation
- To undertake any and all legal activities which will directly or indirectly further and encourage the study, the practice, and the growth of public recognition of the Korean martial art known as Soo Bahk Do® Moo Duk Kwan®, formerly known as Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan®.
- To control and regulate the grading and promotion of its individual members and to professionalize, through education and certification, its individual Instructors and their studios.
- To publish and disseminate periodicals, books, and other printed matter; as well as to produce film, audio-visuals, and other multi-media communication furthering the purposes of the Federation and the art of Soo Bahk Do® Moo Duk Kwan®.
- To provide a vehicle for all types of group and individual insurance and insurance counseling for its members.
- To provide legal referrals, financial, public relations, advertising, marketing, and promotional assistance as well as management and business counseling for its individual members, certified Instructors and certified Studios.
- To control, protect, and regulate the use of its name, symbols, and trademarked and copyrighted technical, educational and promotional materials, and to endorse such activities, businesses, enterprises, products and other undertakings appropriate to the furthering of Soo Bahk Do® Moo Duk Kwan®.
- To be the sole organization in the United States to be affiliated with and supportive of the Korean Soo Bahk Do Association, Moo Duk Kwan®, and its founder, Grand Master Hwang Kee, or his successors and to enter into agreements with him or his successors regarding the issuance of Dan and Gup certification for Federation members.
- To promote International understanding, of and through, the martial art known as Soo Bahk Do® Moo Duk Kwan®.
- To undertake charitable activities, both through group and individual action, consistent with the practice of the art and in the interest of humanitarian principles: to facilitate participation in, and study of, Soo Bahk Do® Moo Duk Kwan® for the socially, economically, or physically disadvantaged.
- To undertake any legal activities to raise funds for the purposes stated above or for purposes deemed to be in the Federation’s best interest.
- To obtain legitimate Soo Bahk Do® Moo Duk Kwan® rank and instructor certifications from the Korean Soo Bahk Do Association, Moo Duk Kwan® for Federation members who have fulfilled the requirements necessary to be certified.
By-laws Article I, Section 11 Duties and Responsibilities of Directors
- Shall attend all meetings of the Board and shall participate in all matters brought to a vote at Board meetings via telephone, teleconference or other method necessary to facilitate the business of the Federation.
- Should suggest ideas or changes and elevate grievances communicated by any of their Region’s members to the Chairman of the Board, the T.A.C., and the Board meetings.
- Shall act in the best interest of the Federation, scrupulously avoiding situations or matters which may be regarded as or result in personal gain.
- Shall immediately report all matters which could prove detrimental to the Federation, and keep all matters confidential until the proper time of their announcement in deference to the Chairman and/or T.A.C.
- Shall conduct himself/herself in accordance with the oath to uphold the Charter and By-laws of the Federation and in concert with the principles and philosophy of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan®.
- Shall move for the removal of any Director if given just cause and supported by sufficient documentation and a fair hearing for serious violations and infractions of the Charter and by-laws or disregard for established administrative procedures, certification or promotional standards and procedures as set forth by the Technical Advisory Committee or the Board.
- Shall familiarize himself/herself with the Charter, bylaws and operating procedures of the Federation, the history of the Soo Bahk Do, Moo Duk Kwan®, the history of the Federation and the organizational structure of the Federation.
- Shall act as a liaison and information officer between the Board and the local Certified Studios, Certified Instructors and all other Federation members within his/her assigned Region, and shall assist Headquarters in maintaining a listing of all Certified Studios, Instructors and Dan member within his/her region.
- Shall attempt to locate and recruit potential certifiable studios and former students and members of Tang Soo Do or Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan®.
- Shall notify the Regional Examiner of any Charter violations in his/her Region of any non-certified studios or individuals using the Moo Duk Kwan® or Soo Bahk Do® names, the “fist” emblem, any other Federation trademark, any Federation copyrighted material, any unauthorized use of the technical or philosophical content of the Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan® system, representing a false association with the Federation or otherwise misrepresenting or maligning the Federation and/or its members.
- Shall assist the Certified Studios, Certified Instructors and all other Federation members within his/her Region in any way possible and as appropriate in the furtherance of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan® and the Federation. Shall arrange for and encourage local Instructors and members to sponsor charitable activities for the socially and economically disadvantaged and shall ensure their Region’s members are properly informed of any such Federation programs available for them.
- Shall have no rank promotion authority as a Director.
- Shall attempt to visit as many Certified Studios as possible within his/her Region and present an annual report to the Board of Directors on the results of such visits.
- Shall conduct or participate in at least one meeting annually of all the voting members in their region for the purpose of sharing information, and to ensure that they understand and represent the concerns and issues of a majority of their region’s members at the annual Board of Directors’ meetings.
- Shall not issue any order, command, or directive, nor try to exert any improper influence on any member, Instructor, or Certified Studio owner unless given specific written instructions to do so by the T.A.C. or Chairman. A Director shall not improperly interfere with the business operations or practices of any Certified Studio.
*******These questions should be contemplated by potential nominees*******
Name _________________________________ Rank _________ Dan I.D. Number___________
- What region will you represent if elected? ___________
- Are you familiar with our Federation Charter, By-laws, Mission 2000, President’s Vision Tour, and do you understand how the Federation is organized? ____________
- Do you have frequent access to a computer connected to the Internet? _________
- Can you commit at least 4 hours per week to Board-related matters? __________
- Do you have any specific skills or expertise to contribute? (business, legal, financial, marketing, leadership, etc.) ___________________________________________________________________
A brief biography of each nominee is required. If you have accepted a nomination, please list any pertinent information you wish to share with your region’s voting members.
I have read through and understand the documents included in this nomination packet and, if elected, I am willing and able to make the commitment to fulfill the responsibilities of Board Director.
Signed _______________________________________________ Date ____________
Please return with your nomination ballot.