Board Chair Update 2019-07-25
Portland, Oregon

Greetings Federation members and supporters,
The Board of Directors held its annual meeting at the National Festival in Portland, OR on July 25th, 2019. The following are the major discussion points from that meeting as well as other items for your awareness.
National Festival
The 2019 National Festival in Portland, OR was a successful Moo Do event thanks to the outstanding effort put forth by our hosts, Region 10. National Festival participation has been increasing steadily since 2014 and this year’s Festival boasted the highest participation numbers in the recent past. Thanks to the members, parents and supporters for their participation and to all volunteers and facilitators for creating a memorable event.
Please join us for the 2020 National Festival in Orlando, Florida and for the 2021 National Festival in Denver, Colorado. Information on exact dates and venue locations is forthcoming.

Silent Auction
The Silent Auction held at this year’s National Festival raised over $8,000 to support the United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation® and United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Foundation® chartered purposes of furthering the study, practice and recognition of the Soo Bahk Do® martial art.
The Federation Board would like to recognize the efforts of Ms. Stephanie Fitts, the Region 10 Silent Auction Committee Chair and the live Auctioneer Bill Nelson Sa Bom Nim and the United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Foundation® Board for their support and efforts towards producing a very successful Silent Auction.
The Board would also like to thank all the donors and purchasers for continuing to support Federation and Foundation initiatives.
Board Director Elections
Board Director nominations are now open for Regions 1, 4, 5, 7 and 8. Seated Director's terms will run for three (3) years from 01/01/2020 to 12/31/2022.
Nominations will be accepted through September 15th with elections to be held later in 2019.
All eligible voting age members are being mailed a physical nomination form by mail.
Nominations can also be submitted online at
Kyo Bom Certification Recipients
In an historic moment for our Art at the 2019 National Festival, the following dedicated practitioners were awarded Kyo Bom by H.C. Hwang, Kwan Jang Nim:
- Left To Right In Photo
- Matthew Wyatt Kyo Bom Nim
- Doug Countryman Kyo Bom Nim
- George Broyles Kyo Bom Nim
- Robert Siegel Kyo Bom Nim
- Sean Oulashin Kyo Bom Nim
The term Kyo Bom was used in Korea during the 1940’s to refer to senior members with teaching responsibilities.
At the time, the Founder was the only Sa Bom and all other Ko Dan Ja were Kyo Bom.
As the Art expanded globally and the number of Dan and Ko Dan Ja members increased, the use of the term Kyo Bom fell out of practice.
The intent of the Kyo Bom program and reintroduction of the Kyo Bom title is to:
- Connect with our history and traditions
- Support the growth and development of Sa Dan candidates and certify those who choose not to pursue Sa Bom to certify rank at the gup level, effectively communicate the teachings of Soo Bahk Do and be direct representatives of the Art.
- Provide younger Sa Dan candidates (21-24) with a proper title and certification
- Elevate the Sa Bom certification
Congratulations to the newest Kyo Bom certification holders for pioneering the Kyo Bom initiative and for supporting Kwan Jang Nim’s vision.
For information about obtaining Kyo Bom certification please visit:
Volume 1 Autographed Collector's Limited Edition Pre-orders Close August 31
Preorders close on August 31 for the Autographed Collector's Limited Edition of Moo Duk Kwan® Founder Hwang Kee's Volume 1.
This 450+ page hardback is sequentially numbered and personally signed by Moo Duk Kwan® President, H.C. Hwang, Kwan Jang Nim.
Get more information and preorder your copy here.
Volume 1 Regular Edition
If you are interested in obtaining one or more printed or digital copies of regular edition Volume 1 on an ongoing basis after the limited Collector's Edition preorders end, please complete the Volume 1 reprint survey.
Your input will help the Board make informed decisions about how to proceed with reprint and production of Volume 1 after preorders for the Autographed Collector's Limited Edition have concluded.
Respectfully in the Moo Duk Kwan,
Susan Fittanto
Board Chair
Region 8