Board Chair Update December 2019-02-13

Greetings Federation members and supporters,
I hope this finds you well and in good health and spirits.
A meeting of the Board of Directors was held via teleconference on Wednesday, February 13th. The following are the major discussion points and action items
2019 National Festival
Registration is now open for the upcoming National Festival which will be hosted by Region 10 in Portland, Oregon on July 25th-27th. Registration packets, schedule of events, hotel reservations and other important Festival information can be found at The Federation room block filling quickly so be sure to reserve your rooms early.
2020 National Festival
We are still searching for a suitable venue for the 2020 Festival. Several venues in the Las Vegas area have been vetted; however, the financial commitment required to secure convention/meeting spaces at the facilities researched so far have been more than our event will support. Our goal is to be able to announce the 2020 date and venue at this year’s Festival. Any member or region official interested in hosting the Festival can submit a location and venue proposal by using this online venue proposal form which also provides general facility specifications or you can contact Duncan Sa Bom Nim at Headquarters.
2019 KDJSS and MWM
At the December meeting, the Board previously approved executing a contract with the DoubleTree Hotel in Park City, UT to host the 2019 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa and Moment with the Masters; however, after that meeting, continued negotiations presented us with an opportunity to secure a venue providing a more suitable environment for KDJSS, better amenities for participants and more favorable terms for the Federation. The event will still be hosted by Region 8 during the week of November 8th-15th but will be held at the Zermatt Resort in Midway, UT.
Growth Teleconferences
Growth Teleconferences, facilitated by Board Vice-Chair George Broyles, continue to be held on the last Sunday of each month. The next Growth Teleconference will take place on Sunday, February 24th and will feature Gary Brown Sa Bom Nim discussing The Path from Part-Time to Full-Time School Owner. Receive Growth Teleconference dial-in info and link to the teleconference wall by texting GROWTH to 70000. You may also request specific topics and speakers or volunteer to be a presenter by visiting the teleconference wall or submitting them through the online training topic submission form.
Member Manual and Instructor Certification Study Kits
Updated member manuals and Instructor Certification Study Kits are in the final review stages. All new members will receive a printed copy of the member manual in their welcome packet. Current members will have access to a free download of the new member manual or may purchase a printed copy.
Instructor Certification Study Kit information and purchase instructions can be found at Certified School Owners receive complimentary copies of each 2019 Edition Instructor Certification Study Kit. Members currently in possession of previous version Instructor Certification Kits may also download the 2019 Edition free of charge.
Kyo Bom Program
2019 is a historic year for the Moo Duk Kwan® as the U.S. Technical Advisory Committee is officially launching the new Kyo Bom Certification Program, which recognizes the abilities of high-level practitioners who have reached Ko Dan Ja level but who have not yet achieved Sa Bom. Kyo Bom has historical roots to the Moo Duk Kwan in the 1940s and connects us with our past while elevating our future. More information and instructions on how to obtain a Kyo Bom certification can be found here
Visit to submit an inquiry or view frequently asked questions about Kyo Bom certification.
2019 Projected Budget
The Board approved the 2019 Projected Budget as recommended by the Finance Committee. New member recruitment and studio growth continue to be the main areas of focus. The Continuing Education program adopted late last year creates new opportunities to provide education and support to studio owners and instructors and tools to aid in studio growth and member retention. The 2019 budget supports all elements of that program including growth teleconferences, background checks with safety training, new member manuals, and other components.
Expenses are stabilizing following a successful defense of the U.S. Federation trademark, although a balance of $22,663.84 remains on the Federation’s line of credit. The retirement of that debt is a short-term goal of the Finance Committee.
2019 National Festival and Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa are both taking place in new locations which creates a degree of uncertainty for budgeting. However, conservative estimates based on prior year information and current venue contracts indicate successful events.
The Soo Bahk Do® Institute has experienced a modest increase in subscribers each year since 2016 and continues to be a significant source of revenue and an effective vehicle for the TAC and the Board to deliver up-to-date information on standardization of technique, business training and more. Ongoing Institute upgrades and new content additions will continue to improve the experience and benefit for subscribers.
Fundraising is a standard activity all non-profit organizations employ to generate resources for the pursuit of their mission objectives. Generous member and supporters contributed to the joint fundraising campaign of the Federation and Foundation with results peaking in 2016 with combined annual contributions exceeding $80,000. The generosity extended by members and Federation supporters made possible the tremendous fundraising results achieved from 2012 to date. Those achievements warrant celebration and in the spirit of our Moo Duk Kwan® philosophy, they also compel us to strive for continual improvement in our performance.
The Finance Committee is charged with conceiving and creating new financial opportunities that can help support the long-term preservation of our art, so you can look forward to some exciting new fundraising ideas to be forthcoming. Your ideas are also always welcome.
Please contact me directly at if you have an idea for a fundraising activity or event that would help generate resources to support the Federation's pursuit of our mission objectives and chartered purposes including, but not limited to; promoting the public visibility of, understanding of and practice of the Korean Soo Bahk Do martial art system as taught by Moo Duk Kwan® Founder Hwang Kee.
Respectfully in the Moo Duk Kwan,
Susan Fittanto
Board Chair
Region 8